Yes It's True...I Blogged About Love

Well, folks! A small family of pigs somewhere just got their wings and learned to fly. I - Jenny Blake - blogged about the BIG SCARY L-WORD over at Ophelia's Webb. I am honored to be a part of Elisa Doucette's February All You Need is Love series, in which a different blogger will pontificate on this warm fuzzy topic every day for the entire month o' loooooove. (On that note, will one of you be my valentine? I get lonely this time of year with the Superbowl and Valentine's Day and all...)

Here's a sneak peek at the beginning of my post, titled Love Happens - If You Let It:

When Elisa emailed asking me to contribute a guest post for her "All You Need is Love" series, it struck a little (okay a lot of) terror in my heart. "What the HELL do I know about love?" I said out loud to the friend I was with. We both chuckled. I'm 26 and it's no secret that my dating life often leaves - well - much to be desired in the way of passionate romance. Which is funny, because I'm like a walking feeling machine with an inner romantic so sappy it puts most RomComs to shame.

So I sat with the following questions for a few weeks before I was ready to write: What do I know about love? What do I want to say about love? Can I "add value" to this series without being sure that I've ever experienced true passionate, romantic, soul-connected love?

To read the rest, jump on over to Ophelia's Webb and check it out!

Cheers - to love, light and laughter in 2010 :D