This post is going to be absolutely worthless to you if you don't actually take action (hence, the title). If you're busy or not interested in taking at least 10 minutes to reflect and answer some questions about something you care about, feel free to skip it, star it, or come back later.
For those of you still with me: start by grabbing a pen and paper or use the handy template I created for this post.
Now for some context: this is a re-post from Elysa Rice's December’s Top Tens in 2010 Series. There are tons of great bloggers submitting posts on everything from de-stressing to reasons you don't need a new job. I highly recommend you give GenPink (and the series) a visit -- especially since Elysa is an all-around awesome person and GenY blogging pioneer.
10 Questions to help you stop thinking and start DOING
Close your eyes for a minute and think of a problem, a tough decision or a big question that you are weighing and would like an answer to. Set aside 15-30 minutes to reflect on the questions below, either in your head or on paper (I use Google Docs — and even created a template for you). You might also focus on one question each day or week – let each one ruminate over time, then jot down notes as various responses pop up.
Do you have a topic yet?
You might be tempted to just skim this post and pretend you have a topic, even though you know it’s fuzzy and you’re just sort of going through the motions (we all do it). Before you keep going, really think of something. Don’t keep reading until you have a topic or idea in mind that is so-big-it’s-scary (but also exciting).
Now for the fun part - let's get to work!
- When you think of [topic], what are you most excited about?
- How does this [topic] fit in with your vision of your highest self?
- What is your goal in this area? Now double it. What is the version of the goal that is so big you are afraid to admit (even to yourself) for fear of failure?
- What’s holding you back / What are you afraid of?
- What support do you need to move forward?
- What one next step would make the biggest impact to move your forward (or help with your decision)?
- What would achieving this get you?
- Close your eyes and ask each major decision-making system for advice: What does your head say? What does your heart say? What does your gut say? How can you reconcile the three? (Okay so I cheated and combined four questions in one)
- Dig even deeper. What do you really want?
- What are you waiting for?
After you’ve reflected on the questions above, take a minute to answer the bonus million dollar question:
Based on your answers above, what are you willing to take ACTION on in the next week? Leave your answer in the comments below!
The Anti-Resume - Career Development Video Interview:
Mike Krass is hosting a great interview series on his blog, The Anti Resume, in which I discuss career development tips and pitfalls. Some of the questions covered in the ~15 minute video (full transcript also available):
- Given your work with the website and what you have done professionally at Google, what is your take on career development?
- If you don’t have a team or are in between jobs, how can you guide the goals you want to set to help you take steps to get where you want to go career wise?
- As to what you have done professionally and with your personal work, what is one piece of advice that you would give to positively influence someone’s career choices?
- What is one piece of advice that would negatively influence someone’s career decisions?
- What is one great tactic you would suggest to use to successfully build relationships?
Click here to watch and share your thoughts!