Serendipity & The Art of Being Alone

This just in: the woe is me cloud from two weeks ago lifted this past weekend and I've never felt more myself. Wuhoo!

On a recent trip to New York City for work, I followed all of your advice and I slowed down. Way down. So much that I didn't even tell anyone I was going to be there. Sorry to any New Yorkers I didn't get a chance to see!

I selfishly left the weekend wide open for myself to just be me - to traipse around and do whatever I felt like at any given moment. No plans, no commitments.

Actually, I did have a plan for the weekend, but it didn't work out. When Plan A failed I was determined not to let it ruin my weekend. So I quickly moved to Plan B: enjoy Manhattan and be FABULOUS. Get dressed up just for fun. Spend time alone without cramming my weekend full of plans and see what happens. And let me tell you, the Universe delivered.

Dancing, Dining and Shopping Solo

I'll spare you the diary-like entry of exactly what transpired over the weekend and just give you the highlights of my time alone:

  • On Friday night after Plan A didn't work out, I had dinner by myself at The Standard Grill. The Food & Beverage manager sent over dessert and champagne on the house. We became friends and he took care of me for the rest of the weekend.
  • On Saturday morning I went to yoga class outside overlooking the Hudson River with a view of the Statue of Liberty. Heavenly.
  • After yoga I put on my favorite dress, walked down to the Christian Louboutin boutique, and checked a big splurge purchase off of my life checklist.
  • I met an amazing woman at the Louboutin store and we became instant friends. We went to a two-hour lunch at The Collective, then she snuck us into the Bagatelle Bistro (a famous brunch spot with a daytime DJ), where we spent the rest of the afternoon dancing on booths and sipping champagne. (Here's a great article that describes the experience)
  • When I got back, I started breaking in my new shoes by dancing around my hotel room before Saturday night's solo dinner. Fabulously fun.

So those are the highlights! Sure, there were lows. But for each one, I quickly picked myself up. I made the effort to look my best (even if I didn't always feel my best at first) and go out alone. In return I made new friends, had great new experiences, and most of all - rediscovered my sense of freedom and confidence. I felt proud of myself again.

I was reminded this weekend that when you honor yourself and make (what can be hard) choices to slow down and spend time alone, the Universe takes care of you. Thank you Universe for taking care of me.


P.S. New York City, I love you. I hope I see you again soon.

P.P.S. On a completely unrelated note, my friend Kevin Smokler is looking for two unpaid interns to work at this summer. As Kevin says, "The internship is technically unpaid but we fully intend to shower said interns with free books, gift baskets, good will and career advice/introductions." Sounds awesome! If you're interested read more here.