Ladies and Gents we have a BOOK DEAL!!! Want in? Read on.

That's a random picture of me looking really happy (slash weird) in San Francisco. Crazy wind! I type this post with almost as much excitement as the time Suze Orman said my name. Oh, who am I kidding?! I CAN BARELY CONTAIN MYSELF and I've been bursting to tell you this for weeks:

We have a book deal!!!!

Important note: the contract has NOT been signed yet, which is partly why I was waiting so long to update you. It could take a few more weeks, but the process is moving forward. Let's hope this blog post doesn't jinx anything!

Running Press - it's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?

After the handful of meetings I had when my literary agent sent out the proposal in March, Running Press, a division of Perseus based in Philadelphia, made an offer to publish my book by Spring 2011. SPRING 2011! A book! A real one! In less than a year.  A huge thank you is in order to my agent Sarah for helping make this happen.

If you want the FULL nitty gritty details (including helpful writing-related links and resources) sign-up for my monthly(ish) "inside scoop" book newsletter or click here to read the archives.

The manuscript draft is due July 1, which is just three short weeks away. Nothing like a little (okay HUGE) deadline to light a fire under your ass, right?! Thankfully I have most of it written - except for one major piece of every chapter. That's where you come in.

Want to see your name in print?

My book is a compilation of tips, quotes, advice, exercises and recommended reading for every area of someone's life after college. The chapters are: Life, Work, Money, Home, Organization, Friends & Family, Dating & Relationships, Health, Fun & Relaxation, and Personal Growth.

Each chapter of the book will contain crowd-sourced wisdom from Twitter, and I've partnered with #u30pro to launch the campaign tomorrow - wuhoo! (HUGE thank you to Lauren, David and Scott who run the chat).

Here's how it will work:

We will be asking questions for the book during the #u30pro chat tomorrow from 7EST-9EST (4PST-6PST), and you should join! After all, who better to advise college grads than all of you brilliant, beautiful people? (Lauren suggests using TweetChat to follow the conversation).

If you know you are going to participate, it would be great if you could fill out this release form. Otherwise I will follow-up with you afterward if your tweet/s get selected.

If you can't make the chat tomorrow, don't worry - I'll post the questions early next week to give everyone else a chance to reply.

Want to do me a huge favor?

Spread the word and rally the troops - and thanks in advance for what I know will be a ton of great additions to the book! I'm a big believer in The Wisdom of the Crowds - this book just won't be the same without all of your input and ideas.
