Web Services I Love

I have a feeling this will be a recurring post. Earlier this week I told you about Jott.com, my new favorite personal assistant. There are so many other free innovative web services out there, and I wanted to share a few more of my favorites: Google Bookmarks Google Bookmarks are a feature of the Google Toolbar. The feature allows you to add and view Bookmarks from any browser on any computer at any time (as long as you are logged in to your Google Account). You can start by importing your existing bookmarks from Firefox or IE (or any other browser). The other nice feature is that each bookmark can have more than one label, so you can find your bookmarks in multiple categories.

Doodle.ch Event Polls Welcome to the democratic version of Evite. Doodle.ch allows you to create a poll (in under five minutes) that you can send to guests before an event to gauge who is available and when. For example, you provide three options for the day/time of your party, then Doodle will keep a running tally of the most popular choice as people fill in their name. Once the poll is complete, you can make a much more informed decision about when to hold your event.

Mint.com In their own words, Mint.com is a "free, automatic way to manage your money." If you don't already have a system for keeping track of your finances, I highly recommend this one. It can help you see where your money goes each month, complete with beautiful graphs and easy-to-read reports. For those worried about privacy, when you create your account they never ask for your name or bank numbers, just the log-in info for your online accounts.

Got a web service you love? Add it to the comments so we can all benefit!