August Miscellaneum

First, thank you so much for the incredibly thoughtful, comforting comments on Wednesday's post. I'm definitely feeling lighter and clearer, while still being open to whatever wants to come in. It really is interesting how sometimes our lowest-feeling moments are the biggest catalysts for growth. And sometimes just letting things be messy (with patience and compassion), saying them out loud and getting support from others provides an incredible release. Thank you!

Now without further ado, our summer link round up :)

I know many of us are still in the dog-days of summer, but consider this a friendly reminder to whip-up my mom's famous soup recipe as it turns to Fall! I have been making a batch of soup EVERY WEEK for exactly one year now (eating it for most lunches and dinners each week), and I am still not sick of it. If you try it, definitely report-back in the comments!

Last August I also launched a 21-day Health Challenge which I'm revisiting again with my roommate and bestie Julie for added accountability. Here's the template if you want to track your own food and fitness challenge (click on the second tab to see the full template).  

Recent Interviews:

Articles I Love:

LAC Mentions, Articles + Advice from Around the Web:

Resources for Job-Seekers

Melissa Anzman's Stop Hating Your Job: How to Be Happy at Work Without Quitting "Stop being so unhappy at work... there is an easy solution available. Turn your misery into meaning. Find actionable steps to start enjoying your job without having to find a new one!"

Job Jenny's The Ridiculously Awesome Resume Kit "Craft kick ass resumes that will land you interviews. Not just so-so interviews -- GOOD interviews. Showcase the things you're best known for, most proud of, and will best position you for success."

Which MBA? Free Online Fair Someone from The Economist reached out to me about a big event they are hosting -- great for those of you considering an MBA! From their promotional materials: "On September 5-6, 2012, over 40 business schools from North America, Europe, Australia and Asia will be waiting to meet prospective candidates through an online, interactive virtual MBA fair. Visitors can chat with admissions officers one-on-one or in group chat rooms, join live webinars, and download school information." Reserve your free spot at the fair here.

That's it for now -- have a wonderful weekend everyone!